Author Archives: Albina

Mobility India is looking for following positions:

Mobility India, an NGO working in the field of disability, development and rehabilitation sector is looking for:

1).HR & Administration – Manager

Qualification & Skills

MSW/MBA Graduate with HR Specialisation

Excellent communication and Interpersonal skills in Admin & HR Management


Minimum 5years in the Administration & HR Management, and the       following

Labour Law, HR Policies development and implementatio

2). Fundraising Executive

Qualification & Skills

Graduate /Post Graduate, Diploma in Business Management /Social Work.

Fluency in written & spoken English and Kannada. Ability to talk and Listen to people and build rapport with them.

Fundraising, Grant, Donation


Minimum 2 years in the same capacity and work towards fundraising targets.

3). Marketing Executive

Qualification & Skills

MBA Graduate with Marketing Specialization / Excellent communication collaboration skills is essential.


Minimum 2 years

Interested candidates should send their detailed curriculum vitae to

top stories 8

Larsen & Tourbo Sponsors Physiotherapy Equipment & Assistive Devices  

Patient satisfaction is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the quality of services pertaining to healthcare and rehabilitation.

Physiotherapy holds high significance in retaining the functional capabilities for people with amputations, polio, stroke patients as well as children with neurological issues and associated developmental delays. Having a well-equipped physiotherapy unit with state of art equipment and machinery augments the quality and pace of service delivery.

Ms Mitali Naika and Ms Elizabeth from L & T visited MI on 12th May, 2016 to inaugurate the various equipment sponsored through L & T’s CSR initiatives. They were given an orientation how these equipment will be benefitting the service users. During their visit, they had a chance to interact with the service users from the Yarabnagar community project of MI. Several assistive devices as per the need of service users has been sponsored and personally handed over.

Ms Mitali and Ms Elizabeth encouraged the service users for the regular use of assistive devices and to continue to pursue education and have a good quality of life. 

Northern Trust Visits Mobility India

Northern Trust, a Chicago based bank founded in 1889, has been operational in the domains of wealth and asset management and asset servicing. Their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) efforts and initiatives are aligned with their guiding principles of service, expertise and integrity. Some of the focus areas of their CSR efforts are towards volunteerism, philanthropy, sound business practices, ethics and environment conservation.

Northern Trust team comprising of 4 members visited on 8th June, 2016 to understand and get a glimpse of the various activities carried out at Mobility India. They were provided with a facility tour & orientation on the in-house and out-house activities. A discussion was being held regarding how Northern Trust can extend their efforts to join with Mobility India for the inclusion and empowerment of people with disabilities and can address the ever growing need.

Their feedback was “It was a great experience and interesting to know various aspects MI is working on. Thanks for having us!”.  

Strengthening the P & O Services in the underserved Regions of Afghanistan

Afghanistan has been in a near constant state of conflict and war since the late 1970s. Out of an estimated population of 16 million Afghans, there are at least 4 million who are refugees in neighbouring countries and 6 million internally displaced, vulnerable persons, primarily women, children and the elderly. They have equally compelling demands for basic assistance for their fundamental survival needs—food, clothing, shelter and medical attention.

Under these difficult circumstances, disabilities resulting from war or conflict, or endemic poverty, are extremely common. While there is a surging need of appropriate rehabilitation services, the existing facilities and services are inadequate to serve the existing and projected needs. Lack of available infrastructure, facilities, and adequately trained rehabilitation personnel compounds the underserved needs.

MI in collaboration with Handicap International (HI) and Swedish Committee Association (SCA) launched a training program for the teachers (ToT) for the 7 participants from Afghanistan. The training scheduled from 18th May to 14th June, 2016 aimed at strengthening the P & O services as well as capacity building of the participants as trainers for effective implementation and dissemination of the knowledge. The course outline was designed and delivered with effective theoretical aspects, group activities and practice delivery by the participants. 

A valedictory ceremony celebrating the journey and successful knowledge gain of the participants was conducted on 14th June, 2016 which was presided by Ms Romola Joseph, Board Member, MI, Ms Albina Shankar, Director, MI and Ms Ritu Ghosh, Deputy Director-TrainingMI. Participants shared their experience of the initial challenges, gradual adaptations and successful completion of the training and asserted the positive implementation of the learnings at their respective workplaces. 

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Graduation Day Celebrations of 10th Batch of Orthopaedic Technologist

Graduation takes on special significance in our academic culture as the one transition where we honour the exciting and challenging process of ‘letting go’, more appropriately letting them go with the roots of strong education and experience and also the wings to take further on their journey.

MI celebrated the special journey of each graduate of the 10th Batch of Orthopaedic Technologist, on 28th June, 2016. The event was presided by Ms Saija Lukkarinen from International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC), as an evaluator and encourager for the graduates. This is the second batch of graduates from MI receiving the ISPO CAT || Certificates, which holds special significance.


The event commenced with the welcome talk by Ms Ritu Ghosh, Deputy Director-Training, MI. She inspired the students to keep on the track of life-long learning, while putting the skills and experiences they acquired to practice.

The feedbacks, experience sharing of their incredible and unique journey of the graduates were often blended with smiles and tears. Graduates shared their experiences of linguistic barriers, overcoming them gradually as well as their academic and technical knowledge gain with the sheer support from the trainers.

Ms Hema attained the first position in the scoreboard with her outstanding performance in the theoretical and practical learning. 7 graduates received the ISPO CAT || Certificates for their academic performances.

Ms Saija congratulating the graduates expressed “The profession you have chosen is very fascinating. The learning every day you all will have, with each service user will be the real learnings you will cherish and treasure for your life time”.

Ms Albina Shankar, Director, MI encouraged the gathering with “In MI you all have opportunities to work with people with different kinds of disabilities and from different setups. Do your best for the people and the return will exceed your expectations”.

The celebrates concluded with Mr Soikat Ghosh Moulic, Assistant Director-Technical, MI thanking all the students and staff, especially Ms Saija from ICRC and stating “Education is just the tool, the people you are going to serve are the best teachers”. 

 Child Rights Protection Training at Mobility India

According to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), Child Rights are defined as the minimum entitlements/freedoms that should be afforded to all persons below the age of 18 regardless of race, colour, gender, language, religion, opinions, origins, wealth, birth status or ability. Child Rights are broadly classified into 4 categories; ‘Right to Survival’, ‘Right to Protection’, ‘Right to Participation’ and ‘Right to Development’.

According to 2011 Census, children below 18 years comprises of around 40% of the total population in India. Of these 73% of children are from the rural areas, while the services are often urban-based. Though there are policies, schemes, laws outlined at local, state, national and international levels, still children are exposed to various issues, violations of their rights. In such scenarios, Child Rights Protection holds utmost significance.

Child Rights Protection is a matter of principle, rather than a matter of choice if the millennium and sustainable development goals of the nations to be realized to the fullest. It is highly essential to break the cycle of poverty, exploitation and underdevelopment. There is a huge need of awareness creation among the public on the entitlements of children.

MI hosted a training on ‘Child Rights Protection’ on 2nd July, 2016 aimed at introducing the child rights protection to the new staff as well as upgrading the knowledge of existing staff on the recent happenings. The knowledge of Child Rights Protection is highly relevant and obligatory for all the MI staff, as the activities and services are meant for children and those with disabilities.

The resource person for the training was Mr Vasudeva Sharma, who currently serves as the Executive Director, Child Rights Trust, State Convener for Karnataka Child Rights Observatory and Board Member for Child Line Foundation.

The sessions were quite informative and made the staff aware about their roles and responsibilities towards protecting the rights and entitlements of children. 

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