Author Archives: Albina

Case study 6

Case Study of Farheed Pasha

Farheed Pasha is fifteen years old and stays with his grandmother, parents and two brothers in Yarab Nagar slum in Bangalore.

By birth he suffered from Cerebral Palsy (a condition of brain damage) and Quadriplegia (both the upper and lower limbs are affected). Parents could not see any kind of movement in four months old Farheed which made them worried. One of the community staff identified and referred him to Mobility India.

He was started with physiotherapy and strengthening exercises. Though this could improve Farheed’s condition a bit better, he was completely dependent on his mother and grandmother for day to day activities.

Later he was provided a wheelchair to move around his home and to attend school. Last 5 years he is attending Fame India, a special school. His grandmother says “my boy is very intelligent and good at studies. But he is little shy to meet outside people”. He has also undergone vocational training. He operates a mobile phone well and can handle currency notes through counting.

Recently he received a new wheelchair as he outgrew the old one. With a wide smile Farheed expresses “I really like this new wheelchair. I feel comfortable in it”. 


Accenture India organises ‘Bake & Sell’

Accenture India personnel has been associated with MI in making a difference in the lives of underprivileged people. Further to their CSR activities, the team organised a fundraising drive ‘Bake & Sell’. The amount raised was contributed towards providing nine assistive devices and twenty five children from LR Nagar slum with school bags and stationery. 

Sarabandepalya Government School Wears a New Look

The fresh smell of paints, a clean and tidy classroom excites the students and keep them engaged in studies. On the Monday morning, students of Sarabandepalya Government school jumped with joy to see their classrooms altogether in a different look. 

A ‘Cleaning & Painting Drive’ was organised at the school premises on 19th September, 2015. A team of 140 volunteers from Accenture took part in the activity to present a bright and fresh look to the classrooms. 

Rejuvenate the Young Minds….

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. This proverb highlights the importance of playful activities in our lives.

On the eventful afternoons of 17th & 31st October, MI premises echoed with chorus of joy of the group of 50 students from the community project areas. The programmes were organised in collaboration with Accenture to make the students feel inclusive and enjoy the after-school hours.

The fun-filled games, music and dance left the students delighted. To augment this, school bags and other essentials were distributed among them.

Accenture team mentioned “Spending time with these children made us feel lively, active and go back to our own childhood. We appreciate MI’s activities towards inclusion of children with disabilities in the regular schools”. 

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Lions Club, Sadashivnagar Visits MI

The visiting delegates on 28th September, 2015 includes Lion Savitri V Swamy, President, Lion Nagarathna Bettegowda, Treasurer, Lion Lakshmi Bhagwath and Lion Krishna Kumari.

They sponsored development devices for 25 children from poor socio-economic background. These devices support children to improve their personal mobility.

During the facility visit, they remarked “Glad visiting your organization. You helped us seeing the whole process and rehabilitation centre. Very meaningful human service”. 

International Day for Persons with Disabilities Celebrations

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