Mobility India

Recent Trends in Management of Spinal Deformity

A six-hour Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE) workshop was held on August 25, 2023, with the aim of providing an in-depth understanding of the roles and responsibilities of multidisciplinary team members in treating spinal deformities, focusing on scoliosis.

Keynote Speaker:

Mr. Navid Dadbin, Regional Physical Rehabilitation Project Manager at ICRC New Delhi, delivered the keynote address.

Presentation Topics and Speakers:

“Pediatric Scoliosis & Management” presented by Dr. Prashanth Inna, MBBS, MS-Orthopedics, DNB – Orthopedics Surgeon at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore.

“Spinal Deformities & Management” presented by Mr. Arjun Kumar from Sanjay Gandhi Institute of Trauma & Orthopaedics, Bangalore.

“Unlocking the Potential of Conservative Scoliosis Treatment: Principles & Practice” presented by Dr. Mayura Kudva, Clinical Physiotherapist at Physio4You, Bangalore.

“Evidence-Based Spinal Orthotic Management” presented by Mr. Erlis Ilazi, Head of the P&O Department at University Trauma Hospital, Tirana, Albania.

“Measurement & Casting Technique for Corrective Spinal Bracing in Scoliosis” presented jointly by Mr. Sanjoy and Ms. Minakshi.

The workshop was attended by 70 participants from diverse backgrounds, including Special Educators, Prosthetists & Orthotists, Physiotherapists, Rehab Therapy Assistants, Occupational Therapists, and Postgraduate students. Their collective experience ranged from one to over ten years in the field of rehabilitation. The participants represented various states of India and gained knowledge as follows:

  • The scoliosis research society’s definition of scoliosis as a lateral spinal curve exceeding 10 degrees

    was discussed.

  • The International Scientific Society on Scoliosis Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) provided a more detailed understanding of scoliosis as a complex three-dimensional spinal deformity.
  • Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis was highlighted, emphasizing the importance of awareness among young professionals.