Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is an approach used by NGOs and other agencies involved in international development, to incorporate the knowledge and opinion of rural people in the planning and management of development projects and programs. It is an effective method of involving the stakeholders in the decision making process.
A training program on PRA was conducted at MINE, Guwahati office during 23rd-24th March, 2017. 12 participants from Dimoria Block and Guwahati attended the training program. The participants gained knowledge on topics of discussion such as concept of disability, community based rehabilitation, and community based inclusive development, PRA, tools for PRA, role of PRA team as well as social and resource mapping. Various approaches of disability-medical, charity, social and human rights were discussed during the sessions. The role of common people, government and non-governmental organisations in creating an accessible and barrier free environment and society was also discussed.
Few recommendations from the participants included an extensive training programs, Assamese as a mode for training as well as to include mock exercises relevant to the training programs.