Najmunnisa’s Journey
Najmunnisa, a 57-year-old residing in Sarabande Palya, Banashankari, Bengaluru Urban District, has overcome hereditary hearing impairment and low vision to forge a path of self-suficiency. Amidst the challenges of her health and family circumstances, she has emerged as a beacon of determination.
With ten children and her husband’s passing four years ago, Najmunnisa’s dependency on family members grew. Her involvement in MI-formed Self-Help Group (SHG) activities initially provided a lifeline, but her health hindered her ability to sustain conventional work. Undeterred, she established a modest tifin center at home, leveraging her culinary skills.
Najmunnisa’s hearing and vision issues were addressed when Mobility India intervened in 2001. Through the provision of a hearing aid and spectacles, her ability to communicate and engage with others signiicantly improved. This support catalyzed a transformation – she now eficiently operates her dosa business, earning an average of 300 to 400 rupees daily. This income contributes to household expenses and uplifts her family’s quality of life.
Her son, a pillar of support, stepped into employment at a ish shop to assist the family. In collaboration with her children, Najmunnisa’s dosa business lourished, further stabilizing their inancial situation. Together, they envision the establishment of a small restaurant, which promises even greater opportunities for economic empowerment. Najmunnisa and her family are poised to scale new heights, breaking free from the shackles of limited opportunities