Mobility India

Family Fun Festival

MI’s one of the uniqueness from the inception has been always striving to remain connected with our service users, their parents and the community at large through our activities. Various programmes are conducted to achieve the same and one of our new activities for this year was to create awareness on importance of recreation for the people with disability and their family members through our Family fun Festival.

Being involved in sport and recreational activities not only helps your physical health, but it can also facilitate the creation of friendships with people that you may otherwise not have met and the development of leadership and collaboration skills. Sports and recreation holds equal significance for people with disabilities as well as their care providers. 

60 members involving parents, caregivers and grandparents of children with disabling conditions actively participated in the programme and gained motivational information from successful parents of children with different disability, who have crossed all the hurdles to overcome in bringing up their children. Play therapy was organized for the children and their parents.

 Role of mother in one’s life is inevitable. Mothers and grandmothers were honoured for taking the responsibility in parenting their children, ignoring their disability rather focusing on their special abilities.