Mobility India

Socia-economic empowerment and sustainable livelihoods

Self-help groups, Disabled people’s organisation and Federations Train and organise person with disabilities and their families to form a network of support Livelihood   Skill training to people with disabilities, parents, carers and youths Promote income generation activities Our Programs Socia-economic empowerment and sustainable livelihoods June 26, 2023 Inclusive Education June 23, 2023 Good Health […]

Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education Access to quality education for all Enrolment and Retention Work with parents to ensure that all children, particularly girls, complete their education. Assistance Provide education fees, materials, transportation Sponsorship for paramedical education of meritorious students We fund the higher education in reputed institutions Capacity Building We train community tutors, teachers parents, peers, school […]

Good Health and Wellbeing

Awareness building Person centered care -Therapy and Assistive technology centre Therapeutically Interventions Women’s Health Supplementary nutrition Referral and follow up Capacity building of front-line health workers Healthy practices and hygiene at the community level Need and benefit of Assistive products Safeguarding and child protection Gender equality and empowerment of women and girls with disabilities Access […]