Mobility India

Appropriate and timely intervention helped

Mr. Sarad Lama, 45, a nave of Darjeeling, West Bengal, was a successful contractor and took care of his family. In the early stages of the infection, he was unaware that he had acquired gangrene, and that the infection was growing within his body. He was unable to reach the hospital on me due to the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown. In 2020, his infection progressed to the point that his legs had to be amputated; since then, he has been confined within the four walls of his room.

 He had plans to travel to Jaipur for his artificial limbs, but his uncle’s acquaintance in Bangalore introduced him to Mobility India. A virtual assessment was done by Mobility India’s clinical team, and he was recommended to perform pre-prosthec stump management unl he could visit Mobility India, along with virtual assistance provided during the entire process. He was re-assessed on his first day at Mobility India in order to determine whether his stump was suitable for the filing of prostheses. The virtual sessions were very helpful to him in bringing maturity to his stump for the fing of prostheses. Sarath Lama’s rehabilitation costs have been sponsored by Global Calcium.

At MI, he was fied with the Stubbies (a short prosthesis commonly used by bilateral amputees). He wore the 18-inch tall stubbies, which did not have knee joints, and trained for a few days to regain stability while being monitored by the clinical team. His balance improved with each passing day

It was on the 9th day that he was able to walk using Stubbies. As his condion improved, the clinical team decided to increase the height of the stubbies by five inches, then train him for another four days unl he regained his balance, and then fied the knee joint to his prosthesis, and he began training and was able to walk more easily and maintain beer balance. Currently, he is using the prosthesis at home and praccing in order to become accustomed to its use. His training is being monitored virtually by the team. In three months’ me, he will return to MI for a re-evaluaon.

Sarath Lama quoted

“MI provided me with an excellent experience and the clinical team make me mobile again. They provided amazing services for people like us”