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Training Course on ‘Communication skills among children with disabilities’ conducted by Mobility India for Community Staff at Guwahati

Most community projects seems to be strong in promoting livelihood activities and in facilitating access to different Government schemes such as disability certificates, pension, and scholarships. However, their activities related to medical rehabilitation and healthcare are usually limited.

This trend is visible in the north-eastern regions as well. Persons with less resources as well as persons living in district towns and rural areas have difficulties in accessing the health services. To combat such scenarios, a very need is felt of simplifying specialized medical knowledge, so that community staff can help families and persons with disabilities.

A five day long training was held for the community staff from 19th to 23rd January, 2016. The 11 participants included rehabilitation therapy assistant, community staff, members from Disabled People Organization as well as parents’ organisation, livelihood coordinator, teachers, special educators and district health programme coordinators.

The training looked at different disabilities often associated with communication difficulties, childhood development milestones, delayed milestones and developmental disabilities, assessment of basic skills needed for communication, preparation of intervention plan, introduction to psycho-motor play activities and an introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). The training used interactive sessions with ample use of videos, accompanied by discussions, simulation exercises and group activities.

The upcoming module of training will focus on communication skills and specific issues concerning children with Cerebral Palsy.

Exposure visit by service club students from SRI KUMARAN PUBLIC SCHOOL

A group of 45 students accompanied by teachers Ms. Mamatha and Ms. Sandhya visited Mobility India on 30th January, 2016. During the visit, students were oriented and provided a building tour to get an understanding on the activities carried out.

For most of the students, it was the first experience seeing children and adults with physical challenges and the services available to cater to their needs. MI’s services were immensely appreciated by all of them.  

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